
Yes, Lightning Strikes More Than Twice, Same Place

acrylic-style clipart depicting lightning striking a lightning rod during a night scene in a landscape orientation.

The phrase “lightning never strikes the same place twice” is an enduring myth woven into popular lore. However, this catchy saying is far from the truth.

In reality, lightning can strike the same place more than once.((

From towering skyscrapers like the Empire State Building to solitary trees in open fields, we’ll uncover the science behind why and how lightning makes its repeat visits to the same spots.

Here are the facts about lightning:

Meet the curator

Jesse likes exploring the unknown and uncovering fascinating facts, living by the creed that 'Learning yields endless pleasure.' He transforms every day of his life into a journey of discovery. As a seasoned IT professional with more than 20 years of experience in web programming, Jesse combines his passion for technology with his love for learning. Outside of his professional pursuits, he cherishes family time, often taking his loved ones on refreshing weekend getaways.

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