Is history always written by the winners? When it comes to the Armenian Genocide, the line between historical facts and political interests is not just blurred but fiercely contested1 . This tragic chapter of early 20th-century history, involving...
Have you ever wondered how an unschooled clerk from India became one of the greatest mathematical geniuses of all time? This is the story of Srinivasa Ramanujan and his lost notebook, a treasure trove of unheard mathematical concepts that continue...
Have you ever wondered what mysteries lie in the deepest point of our Earth? The Mariana Trench, stretching down more than 36,000 feet (nearly 11 kilometers)(( )) below the ocean’s surface, holds secrets that scientists and explorers have only...
Discover the surprising risks that may lurk within your jar of honey. Explore the potential allergens, contaminants, and other health concerns associated with honey consumption.